Strategy Catalyst: Speed Time to Decision and De-risk Investment

Trusted by Chief Strategy Officers from the Nation’s Largest Leading and Forward-Thinking Health Systems

Move First with Our Insights on the Healthcare Trend Impacting Your Strategy

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Smart Competitor Analysis

Accurate Market Intelligence

Strategic Risk Management

Unbiased Decision Support

Strategy Catalyst powers health system strategy executives with the tactical framework to speed time to decision and de-risk investment.

“This is the value that has been missing in our collective toolbox before we had [Strategy] Catalyst. We’ve been needing the “best of breed” information.”– Strategy Executive for a health system in the Mid-Atlantic”

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“I read every single thing that I get from [Strategy] Catalyst. It’s very high-quality and I make it required reading for my team. The Primary Care Disruptor work was exceptional – I sent this to about half the people I know at my organization. It’s a perfect blend of strategic and operational.”– Strategy Executive for a health system in the West


1100 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22209
P: (703) 548-1022