The Health Management Academy

On-Demand Briefing: Spotlight on Payvider Strategy


Webinar: Spotlight on Payvider Strategy

Our latest Academy Strategy Catalyst webinar is free to download for all, at no cost.

For the past few years, payers have been rapidly adopting the Optum playbook: acquiring provider assets to diversify and grow revenue. Today, payers (along with private equity) now employ more physician practices than hospitals. The acquisition of care delivery assets and continued vertical integration has transformed these insurers into “payviders.”

According to our models, the five largest payers are on a trajectory to generate $286 billion in care delivery revenue by 2025. How will Leading Health Systems be impacted and what are the implications strategy leaders should consider?

Join Academy Strategy Catalyst for an update on:

  • Payer-by-payer overview of owned assets and member steering approach
  • Projection of payer’s future acquisition goals
  • Discussion of how LHS are being impacted by new-in-kind payvider strategies