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A Playbook for C-Suite Alignment on Health Equity

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Learn about CPEs, COOs and CQOs personas and sources of value:

COOs: Enabling System Objectives Across the Enterprise

COOs provide operational leadership and management across a wide scope to ensure the health system performs well and grows. They are stewards of cost management within the organization and often operate behind the scenes.

How Your Health Equity Goal Can be Valuable for COOs: Translate the value of health equity through a nuanced understanding of priorities and pain points around operational efficiency. For example, highlight how through system-wide operational alignment on access to interpreters for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) would translate into reduced length of stay.

CPEs: Furthering Clinical, Workforce, and Care Quality

The CPE role has evolved from a sole focus on medical staff and physician buy-in, to a strategic role that contributes to oversight of system and service line integration. Convey the impact of health equity investments on workforce and leadership in conversations with your CPE.

How Your Health Equity Goal Can be Valuable for CPEs: Provide CPEs a clear understanding of how timely interventions for high-risk patient populations will create opportunities to avoid costly complications arising from chronic conditions (e.g., diabetic amputations).

CQO: Enabling a Culture of Continuous Improvement

CQO is a key partner for reshaping existing policies, processes, and planning activities to fully embed an equity lens. CQOs provide operational and strategic leadership and oversight around quality and safety, so it’s important to understand the KPIs that are being used to track quality/safety goals and the accountability structure associated with those KPIs.

How Your Health Equity Goal Can be Valuable for CQOs: Outline how your health equity goals can translate into clinical quality gains. One example is showing your CQO data on how colorectal cancer screening rates improved after implementing a targeted, culturally relevant intervention for a given demographic group that is experiencing a disparity.

The Health Equity Alliance gives C-suite leaders insight and guidance on how to advance their health equity goals. Click here to learn more about the Health Equity Alliance.