Guiding Principles & Code of Conduct

Guiding Principles

Trust: The Health Management Academy (THMA) provides a safe and open environment for members to exchange leading practices, discuss important issues and explore health system strategies designed to enhance the quality, access, and affordability of U.S. health systems.

Purpose: THMA organizes educational interaction between executives from the largest health systems and leading health system suppliers because they both meaningfully contribute to safety, quality and efficiency of healthcare.

Compliance Framework: All provider and supplier members agree to adhere to THMA’s Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

THMA members will have a demonstrated commitment to being individuals of high integrity and they will be fully transparent about their participation in THMA.

Members agree that their involvement in THMA will be consistent with THMA’s Mission—to provide knowledge-based services to senior executives of Leading Health Systems.

All members will pay their own travel, lodging and membership fees in attending THMA meetings as well as the expenses related to attendance by spouses. THMA does not make payments to members for their attendance at Academy meetings.

THMA health system members may not solicit or receive fees, compensation, or gifts of material value as a result of an interaction that a corporate member may have with a health system through THMA.

THMA corporate members will not solicit business and they will have no expectation that health system members or their organizations will provide them with any preferred vendor status due to their involvement in THMA.

In their interactions through THMA, members will be vigilant to adhere to applicable industry codes, such as the PhRMA, AdvaMed and NEMA codes, as well as laws governing such collaborative industry activities, including but not limited to those relating to antitrust, fraud and abuse, patient privacy and confidentiality, tax exempt status, and securities regulation.

Like all other organizations, THMA expects its Members and their guests to behave responsibly at all THMA events and in all interactions with other Members and THMA staff. We reserve the right to limit member participation if ever conduct is deemed inappropriate, disorderly, or offensive.

By attending The Health Management Academy (THMA) events, you grant THMA permission to use your likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media in any and all of its publications, including digital publications. By attending a TMHA event, you also consent to attributing your likeness and the individual information you have provided about yourself and any and all verbal and written feedback you provide about your participation in THMA events and programs.