Easing the Path to Selling into Large Health Systems

Accelerate Commercial Success With Academy IQ

Your products have clear value and differentiation in the market but selling to leading health systems has never been easy. The RFP and sales cycle processes are longer than ever as more health system stake holders are becoming involved in the decision making.

ASHN saw leading health systems becoming more selective in their partnerships and they faced greater scrutiny during the RFP process. They needed a solution – Academy IQ. Download the full case study and find out how Academy IQ can help you meet your sales goals.

ASHN saw a similar slowdown in health system approved processes, so they partnered with THMA and Academy IQ for:


Product Value Analysis workshops to help create a differentiated and compelling narrative including market engagement guidance and ROI modeling


Strategic Account Reviews provide tailored guidance to help you effectively engage key executives at Leading Health Systems.


Market Outlook Reports and Member Webinars dive deep into key "so what" for industry on healthcare terrains (e.g. Digital & Consumer Strategy, Population Health, Tech Investment, and more.)


Inside Track Reports and Forum Debriefs offer timely insight into evolving CXO and recommendations on responsive partnership strategies.

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