A podcast on the key issues in healthcare, featuring innovators from across the industry.
We power our members by building our community and fostering connections through executive peer learning. We support professional growth through talent and development. We accelerate understanding by delivering timely and actionable data and insights on key challenges. And we catalyze transformation by building alliances in areas where the power of the collective is greater than the power of one.
When Medicare’s Acute Hospital Care at Home (AHCAH) waiver program rolled out in 2020, there was much discussion about the possibilities for at-home care.
Every dollar health systems invest in AI has to serve one of two goals: securing a larger share of today's healthcare dollars or transforming how care gets delivered over time.
A new rule proposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) would change Affordable Care Act (ACA) plan enrollment requirements.
Member activities from Arcadia, Revenue Management Solutions, Capta Health Partners, Huron, and Vituity