When it comes to AI adoption, it’s worth distinguishing between two types of investments: those that are highly dependent upon the future path of AI, and those that aren’t highly dependent.
Potentially regrettable investments stem largely from uncertainty about what the future landscape of AI in healthcare will look like; you don’t want to invest in something that will be obsolete in a few months.
Instead, focus on “no-regrets” investments: investments likely to pay off no matter what the future course of AI looks like. These are largely enabling capabilities, those that help you use any new AI technology as effectively as possible – things like setting governance rules and structures, ensuring the quality of your data, and protecting against AI risks. Read on for our five no-regrets steps for solid AI investments that will enable you to source, implement, and scale AI as the field continues to evolve.
'No Regret' Steps
Understand (and Manage) Your Staff’s AI Worries
Establish Clear AI ‘Rules of the Road’
Get Your Data into Shape
Prepare for the (Possible) Worst
Educate Your Team on AI Fundamentals
Download attached pdf for detailed information on each of these steps