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The Consumer Strategy Roadmap: Data and Lessons Learned on Consumer Centricity

Logo image for horizon 2030

To remain competitive in the future healthcare market, health systems are looking to differentiate themselves through excellent service and patient experience. However, some new research shows that many are falling short, with patients describing their experience as “difficult,” “inaccessible,” and “generic.”

The Health Management Academy conducted primary and secondary research with health systems, patient advocacy groups, and industry partners to understand health systems’ approaches to consumer strategy and how these strategies are addressing changing consumer preferences.

In this report we provide:

  • Data on how consumer’s preferences are evolving

  • Consumer-centric strategies from your health system peers

  • Guidance on how health systems can align their strategy with consumer expectations

  • Case studies of consumer-centricity from industry partners

To access the full report, click the link at the top to download.