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  2. strategy catalyst
  3. growth
  4. health system growth paths
Report | strategy-catalyst

Health System Growth Paths

Following a year when non-profit health system downgrades outpaced upgrades and a “new normal” of 1-2% margins moving forward, there have been continued questions about the financial longevity of the non-profit IDN business model. Most health system strategy leaders see a future for their system but realize that trying to “be all things for all people” in the market is a challenging path as disruptors, payers and PE pick off the most profitable parts of care delivery.

Over the course of the past year, the Strategy Catalyst team has developed a framework in conversation with leaders around six possible system growth paths. This presentation serves as on an honest assessment of each system’s strengths to discuss what differentiated growth paths are available. We hope this will be helpful to drive “blue sky” thinking at strategic planning retreats or with the board.

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What's Inside:

An editable PowerPoint that you can adjust or pull from as you desire with:

  • Growth path profiles: An overview of each path’s possible tactics for growth, short case studies of systems pursuing these tactics, and potential barriers

  • Growth path cheat sheets: A summary version of the profiles with the critical success factors necessary for execution and key market beliefs that support the path's viability

  • Sample board exercises you can use in strategic board retreats or with your ELT to help guide your health system toward the right path. Note: the worksheets and facilitation guide for the activities are available here.

    • One activity focuses on external market beliefs that support/ detract from each path as well as an honest evaluation of how your system has performed on key competencies

    • The second encourages leaders to rank different paths that are available and come to a consensus on tradeoffs