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  4. four predictions for medicare advantage what to expect in the next 2 3 years
Report | strategy-catalyst

Four Predictions for Medicare Advantage: What to Expect in the Next 2-3 Years

This brief has the essential insights extracted from our Medicare Advantage (MA) webinar in February 2024.

Strategy Catalyst members can read the briefing by logging in and clicking "Download PDF" above.

Our 4 predictions:

1. MA is here to stay, but the slowing number of age-ins will force greater growth in rural areas.

2. The MA “gold rush” is ending. MA will not have the same profitability it once did for payers, which will intensify future provider-payer contracting battles.

3. The days of passively contracting with every MA plan are over. Health systems will need a MA strategy in place to safeguard expected revenue.

4. As provider-payer contracting become more aggressive, more health systems will seek to get closer to the MA premium dollar. Some will assume downside risk or share risk, but all should aim to better margins for the MA population.