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Chief Nursing Officers Forum Debrief Spring 2023

Listen to our debrief of the Academy's Spring 2023 Leading Health System (LHS) Chief Nursing Officers (CNO) Forum. In our debrief, we shared what these executives discussed with their peers, including what CNOs are working on right now.

Here is what is Top of Mind for Chief Nursing Executives Right Now:

1. Personalize Retention Strategies: Nurses crave personalized recognition and responsive leadership, beyond classic retention tactics.

2. Empower Nurse Managers: Revamping nurse manager roles to be more sustainable and exploring technology solutions to offload administrative tasks are key to retaining staff.

3. Identify Nurse-Specific Tech: Focus on implementing technology that lightens nurses' workload, like virtual case management, documentation tools, and voice recognition.

4. Prioritize Workplace Safety: CNOs remain committed to preventing and addressing workplace violence through comprehensive governance and support programs.

5. Bridge the Nurse Gap: Partnerships with academic institutions and community organizations help ease new nurses' transition into clinical practice.

6. Align Nursing & Finance: CNOs aim to showcase the ROI of retention initiatives like virtual nursing and technology to finance teams, fostering collaboration on cost considerations.