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Video | Academy IQ

Chief Physician Executive Debrief Spring 2024

Get the scoop on what Leading Health System Chief Physician Executives discussed during our in-person gathering of their peers—and we’ll share our take on the implications for industry organizations who work with them.

Here is what is Top of Mind for Chief Physician Executives Right Now:

1. Reducing Costs & Waste: Health systems seek solutions to reduce variation in care and eliminate unnecessary tests/procedures. Clinical decision support platforms are of interest to ensure evidence-based, cost-effective care.

2. Navigating Precision Medicine: Genomics is gaining prominence, but recent program closures raise questions about long-term viability. CPEs are exploring partnerships for equipment, data sets, and lower costs to support sustainable growth.

3. Medicare Advantage Challenges: Health systems face challenges with Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, including:

  • Difficult payer relationships and contract negotiations

  • Reduced reimbursements and potential loss of commercial patients

  • Concerns about risk adjustment and coding practices for provider-sponsored MA plans

4. Physician Leadership Development: CPEs acknowledge the gap between strong clinicians and effective leaders. They are looking for internal and partnership-based programs to develop physician leadership skills, focusing on supportive structures.

5. Integrating Technology to Ease Burden: CPEs are exploring various applications of AI and advanced technology to improve clinician satisfaction and reduce administrative tasks. Time saved, reduced burden, and provider satisfaction are key performance indicators for success.