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Video | Strategy Catalyst

Consumer Centric Self-scheduling: Secret shop results from Strategy Catalyst evaluation of LHS and primary care disruptors

Most LHS are nascent with their self-scheduling capabilities. Typically, LHS still approach the patient experience from a system-centric mindset. How can CXOs augment their digital strategy to make the experience of self-scheduling more consumer centric?

  • We secret shopped 39 LHS and 4 primary care disruptors to assess the consumer centricity of self-scheduling.

  • We covered analyses at the LHS cohort level and identified the top-performing leading health systems.

  • We outlined strategic imperatives for LHS to move the dial towards consumer centric self-scheduling.

See the scorecard we used to evaluate the UX from 'search' to 'confirmation' across four categories: timeliness of appointment, ease of transaction, consumer preferences, and pre-care pathway.