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inforceInsights Briefing | Health-Equity-Alliance

Health Equity Value Playbook Module 3: Driving Internal Alignment on Health Equity Value

A key challenge for health equity leaders in demonstrating the holistic value of health equity is the translation of that value into terms that connect with the strategic priorities of the health system and key internal stakeholders. In this module, learn key tactics for leveraging the four internal influencers of health equity value—mission, strategy, governance, and culture—to advance internal alignment on health equity value across your health system.

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Table of Contents

1. Maximizing the Mission: Setting the Foundation for Health Equity

Health system CXOs consistently describe their organizations as being “mission-driven,” but how do organizational missions shape execution in a concrete way? This section describes how health equity leaders can frame health equity as a mission imperative according to 3 organizational mission “personas”.

2. Establishing Go-To Guardrails for Equity Through Culture

Communication and education are key mechanisms to getting buy-in for building an enterprise-wide culture of equity. This section unpacks key “vital signs” that signal the level of buy-in across the CEO, CXO, and workforce levels of culture-setting.

3. Navigating Complexity with Clear Governance

To develop and execute a health equity strategy, there must be effective governance structures in place at the Board, executive leadership team, and local levels. This section unpacks key “vital signs” that indicate an effective governance across these 3 levels.

4. Enabling Health Equity Through Defined Strategy

Health equity leaders must have insight into the growth strategies that their health system is pursuing to effectively position health equity within the system’s larger vision. This section outlines 3 high-level growth paths based on strategic planning trends across health systems.

5. A CXO Communication Guide for Equity Executives

To demonstrate the value of health equity for CXO decision-makers, health equity teams must identify drivers of value that speak to how a health equity investment can address their needs or impact their ability to execute on strategic priorities. This section provides guidance on key tactics for building relationship with and demonstrating value to six CXO personas.

6. Health Equity in Action: Case Studies on Driving Internal Alignment on Health Equity Value

Discover how AdventHealth and M Health Fairview overcame structural challenges by focusing on internal influencer tactics to drive internal alignment on health equity value. This section explores how these health systems leveraged mission integration, cultural alignment, effective governance, and strategic communication to embed health equity into their core operations and organizational strategies.